Redefining Your Space

The Perfect Lawn

Well Water Irrigation Systems and Rust Prevention

Posted 3:16 PM

Do you have an irrigation system that runs on well water? If you do, you know the huge benefit of not having to pay water utility bills for your sprinkler system. But there can also be a dark side to running your irrigation system on well water - the side effects of staining caused by excessive minerals and particularly high iron content in the water. Water with high iron content can stain just about anything it comes in contact with, including driveways and sidewalks, fences, trees, flowers, and even your house, garage, or outdoor barn.

Outdoor Rust and Iron StainsHelp is finally here! By treating the high minerals and iron content we can eliminate the unsightly occurrence and give you the beautiful lawn and property that you intended to have when you installed the irrigation system in the first place. We will first test the water to understand the extend of your issue. Then we’ll eliminate the chemicals by installing mechanisms in your system to counter the high iron content. We highly recommend this service, as you’ll be able to see great results, and a much nicer looking outdoor living area (without rust stains) if your primary water source is well water.

Contact us to learn more.

* Thanks to Summit Brands for the above photo. Summit provides rust stain removers that can help clean up already impacted areas.



"Sed imperdiet lobortis ligula, et rhoncus mauris imperdiet eget. Aliquam adipiscing felis at consequat sollicitudin. Aliquam quis rutrum arcu. Nam vitae sem ut nunc sodales dapibus vitae sed augue." - John Johnson, Lawn Care Client